Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meagan, Ashton & Missy: Friend Shoot

Thirteen. What a awkward  age, especially for me. For those of you who don't know I was about 5' 9" all through middle school. Tall and Lanky. Felt a lot like Lurch from the Adams Family, most days. Although I am now 23 years old, when I talk to these three girls as a group, I magically transform into a 13 year old girl. Like on 13 Going on 30, except visa versa. Completely random thought, but had to share. It honestly is the funnest (is that a word??) activity. The three of them always have smile's on their gorgeous teenage faces. I have gotten to know Ashton and Missy quite well over past year, all three play on my water polo team! We had so much fun shooting pictures, even though my gloved hands were frozen and numb by the end it was worth it! The neatest part was the fog...we couldn't see very far in front of us and the lake was frozen over with ice fisherman everywhere. All getting a kick out of us sliding on the ice and laughing till we fell over. Thank you gals for an awesome day in the fog! 


  1. When did Meagan sprout!! she looks sooo different! Love the new blog....and website. Where are your engagements???

  2. I know it is crazy, she is so grown up now! She is huge too...about 5'7"! But absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for checking all my stuff out, it means alot! :) My engagements are on my old blog, there is a link in the upper right hand corner. In the blog archive I think it is in September LOL Love you!
