Summer. Normally this word produces thoughts of wake boarding, 4th of July and ice cream. Since I did not grown up with tons of money laying around my house summers included lots of watermelon, building our own water park in the backyard, moss fights and the FAIR!
The chance to eat endless unhealthy food with a hint of pig de toilette?? Sign.Me.Up. Gathering the whole family up for a night at the fair has become a tradition in my life and I will always cherish it. Is it glamorous? Not at all, but for some crazy reason I can not get enough. I break down when it is over and eventually look forward to the next summer.
I have always wanted to photograph engagements or portraits at the fair to show the beauty and memories it has to offer. I convinced my sister Meagan and friend Missy to come with. Oh happy day. Both of these girls are gorgeous and I am so excited to photograph them any chance I get. Thanks you two! Love ya!